Upcoming Business-Oriented Workshops and Events hosted by the African American Chamber of Commerce of
Central Pennsylvania
The African American Chamber of Commerce of Central PA (AACCCP) will be hosting several must attend business-oriented workshops and events during the upcoming months of November and December 2017 under its “Chamber U” business education imprint.
“Living in this information age has made it increasingly easier for people to upstart a business. However, what we are seeking to accomplish with Chamber U is to provide both established and aspiring entrepreneurs with guidance on how to grow and sustain their businesses” said Shariah Brown, Chair of the AACCCP.
Local entrepreneurs should be on the lookout for the following upcoming workshops and events. :
Entrepreneur Roundtable (11/8/17) – This annual, interactive, and social event allows attendees to network with fellow entrepreneurs, business professionals and subject matter experts to discuss best practices, marketing, legal inquiries and more. www.entrepreneurroundtable4.eventbrite.com
The Nikky Purvy Experience (11/15/17) – Entrepreneur and business guru Nikky Purvy will be on hand to discuss her recently published book “AntiHUSTLE,” as well as to share how adopting an “AntiHUSTLE” (working smarter not harder) formula can assist entrepreneurs with the task of achieving success in the realm of business. www.theantihustle.eventbrite.com
Build your Credit Workshop (11/18/17) – An event facilitated by Rhonesha Howertown, a certified financial advisor and credit repair expert, to educate partcipants about debt settlement strategies, how to remove inaccurate or negative remarks from your credit report, how to realistically raise your credit score and how to effectively leverage your credit. www.buildyourcredit2.eventbrite.com
“It’s important to note that these events have not emerged out of a vacuum, but have been deliberately created through local corporate sponsorships and grants with a focus on building Central PA’s business Ecosystem,” said Leland Nelson, President of the AACCCP. To learn more information about these and other Chamber U educational series, please visit www.chamberforus.org or by searching the keyword “African American Chamber of Commerce of Central PA” on social media.
Media Contact: Shariah Brown, AACCCP Chair
African American Chamber of Commerce of Central PA
Email: chair@chamberforus.org
Phone: (717) 298-7327, or (717) 991-9912
Web: www.chamberforus.org